Presented for your edification.

Christian Nationalism Is Not Biblical

Christian nationalism is a growing trend among cultural and political Christians who are rightfully concerned about the depravity of the world. Currently Christian nationalism is an amalgamation that doesn’t really have much meaning: as a term that can mean anything doesn’t really mean anything at all. There is an increasing debate about the meaning of the term and how it should be applied to culture and politics. One thing is for certain however, it is likely to fail, because the denominational religion of Christianity has never been united on anything, and continues to fracture and break apart. In the United States alone, it is estimated that there are over two hundred denominations, and when you are that divided on everything what can you possibly accomplish?

But do not let your hearts be troubled, as it is not a detrimental thing for Christian nationalism to fail. Christian nationalism has nothing to do with fellowship with God, the salvation of souls, or the testimony of the gospel. It is instead a rallying cry attempting to consolidate a voting base and garner political power. The immediate problem Christian nationalists face is their message is not universally sufficient to attract adequate support for the cause. This trend is likely to continue, and possibly worsen as time goes on.

All the peoples of the world should be concerned about the current level of depravity that saturates all our societies. However, Christian nationalism places faith in the wrong thing, and that is the law. The law does not lead to righteousness, but righteousness leads to the law. You cannot gain righteousness: the right wisdom, without a transformation of the mind by the Spirit of God through his word. Minds are transformed through the gospel and not through the law: we preach Christ and him crucified, and then we preach the law. Of course cultural and political Christians have no understanding of these concepts, as Christianity for them is merely a mechanism for fighting their political opponents.

The born again sons of the living God already have a nation, it is the kingdom of God. We have the most wise and merciful king: the Lord Jesus Christ, who has been given authority over all things by the power and glory of our almighty Father. We are a holy priesthood, everlasting and unmovable, we are not a government. The Lord Jesus Christ is our government, and his judgments are just. Let us continue to be a holy priesthood, preaching the light of the gospel to those lost in darkness, and the law to those transformed by the acknowledgment of the truth.